Principles & Values

“Young Fine Gael, the Young United Irelanders, is an Irish Nationalist Youth Movement that pledges allegiance and fidelity to the Irish Republic and derives its inspiration and endeavor from this bedrock. Young Fine Gael is an autonomous yet integral part of the Fine Gael party, it seeks to advance the political representation and objectives of the youth of Ireland through the vehicle of the Fine Gael Party. Young Fine Gael is wholly committed to the development of young people at all levels of political life, and in communion with the Fine Gael Party seeks to maximise the electoral objectives of Fine Gael.”

Equality of opportunity
We want to create a fair and caring society where everybody is engaged in democracy, and where there are no barriers to equal opportunity. We stand for investment in our public services and see health and education as rights, not privileges.

Enterprise and Reward
We encourage initiative, innovation, investment and self-reliance. We also believe in preserving, enhancing and sharing prosperity. We stand for a vibrant, competitive economy. To that end, we believe Government policy should encourage initiative and reward hard work, thus driving economic activity and creating jobs.

We want to build a safe society in Ireland by protecting citizens and enforcing the law. We also believe in strengthening families, and in fostering communities. We stand for law and order. We believe in tough sentences for criminals and more Gardaí on the beat while also tackling the root causes of crime like poverty and educational disadvantage.

We believe in being truthful and courageous in what we do, and in promoting and upholding both the rights and the responsibilities of people. We stand for integrity in public life. We believe in ensuring that all of us live up to our responsibilities as well as enjoying our rights as Irish citizens.

As Young Irelanders, we want to build an Ireland of excellence and ambition. We hope to do this by promoting a shared vision of a confident and sustainable future for Ireland, both at home and abroad. We stand for a climate of hope. To achieve this, we believe in enhancing Ireland’s international reputation through our support for the European Union, protecting communities through balanced regional development and safeguarding our children’s future through protection of the environment.

Deis Cothroime
Tá sé de chuspóir ag Ógra Fhine Gael sochaí mhacánta airdeallach a chruthú. Áit a bhfuil gach duine páirteach sa daonlathas agus áit nach bhfuil aon bhac ar dheis cothroime. Seasimid d’infheistíocht in ár seirbhisí poiblí agus féachaimid ar shláinte agus oideachas mar chearta ní mar phribhleidí.

Fiontar agus luaíocht
Spreagann Ógra Fhine Gael tionsnamh, nualaíocht, infheistíocht agus féin-mhuinín. Creideann an pairtí go bhfuil sé tabhacht an rathúnas a chóthú, a roinnt agus a mhéadú. Seasimid d’eacamaíocht atá láidir agus iomaíoch. Creidimid gur ceart polasaí an rialtais, spreagadh a thabhairt do tionscnamh, agus luaíocht a thabhairt d’obair chrua, de thoradh ag tiomaint gníomhaíocht gheilleagrach agus ag cruthú post nua.

Tá Ógra Fhine Gael ag iarraidh sochaí shábháilte a chruthú in Éirinn trína cuid saoránach a chosaint agus tríd an dlí a chur i bhfeidhm. Tuigeann an páirtí, freisin, tábhacht teaghlaigh i ngach cruth nuaaimseartha a neartú agus comhphobal a chothú. Seasann Ógra Fhine Gael don dlí agus an tsíocháin. Creidimid i bpionós níos láidre do coireanna agus níos mó gardaí a chur ar na sráideanna, ag an am céanna ag dul i ngleic le príomhchúiseanna cóiriúlachta mar aon le bochtaineacht agus míbhuntáiste oideachais.

Creideann Ógra Fhine Gael go gcaithfimid a bheith ionraic agus misniúil i ngach gnó agus go gcaithfimid cearta agus freagrachtaí na ndaoine a chothú. Seasimid d’ionracas an tsaoil phoiblí. Creidimid go gcaithfidh gach duine a dhulgais a dhéanamh chomh maith le taithneamh a bhaint as ár gcearta mar mhná agus fir na hÉireann.

Tá Ógra Fhine Gael ag iarraidh Éire uailleach a chruthú. Ba mhaith linn é seo a dhéanamh trí thionscnamh a dhéanamh ar iomhá do thodhchaí na hÉireann atá muiníneach sa bhaile agus thar lear. Seasimid do shaol dóchasach. Chun é seo a dhéanamh creidimid go gcaithfimid cáil idirnáisiúnta na hÉireann a chothú trí thacaíocht a thabhairt don Aontas Eorpach, agus cosaint a thabhairt do comhphobail trí forbairt réigiúnach agus trí thodchaí ár bpáistí a choiméad trí aire a thabhairt don timpeallacht.


We are committed to a party of freedom and equality.

Framework on Inclusion Equality Integrity_May 2020
